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Stop Turning Content Into Videos (and Start Doing This Instead)

It’s been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. At 30 images per second, less than two hours of video would be worth more than all the words in the English language.

Even if that old saying isn’t literally true, video and the strategy behind it are undeniably among the most important tools in the modern marketer’s kit.

This episode of Marketing Makers – the video series for those that make marketing work – breaks down the art and science of video in your marketing mix. Explore the key concepts in this post, then watch to discover the details, including insight from video expert A. Lee Judge.

Why video marketing matters

Digital video really began as a part of marketing and communications strategy in 2005, with the launch and meteoric rise of YouTube. Within six months, the site attracted well over 2 million viewers per day. Within a year, YouTube saw 20,000 new videos uploaded daily and more than 100 million videos per day. And then Google bought it.

The reason digital video suddenly became hot with marketers came down to one word: search.

Creating a two-way street connecting searchers of content and creators of content was like magic for digital marketers.

Video marketing strategy in 2021

Media planning now includes digital video as a format. Video lives in many places beyond YouTube.

Private distribution networks and hosting let viewers avoid the advertising on power sites like YouTube – and they may offer marketers the analytics on who is watching.

You might have videos on your website, content hub, email, mobile apps, social media channels, kiosks, or a hundred other interfaces where our consumers may watch video content.

In 2021, think about video differently than how you did as recently as the mid-2000s. At that time, many corporate teams created as much digital video as they could. It became a byproduct of marketing and advertising efforts.